Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Dalai Lama And The World s Oldest Religion - 1975 Words

The Dalai Lama once said, â€Å"Major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness†¦ the important thing is they should be part of our daily lives† (Huffington Post). This quote by the Dalai Lama speaks to the issues of pluralism and interfaith understanding. Pluralism is used to describe the diversity of different cultures and how they actively interact with one another. It engages the differences between cultures to obtain a deeper, more profound understanding of each other’s beliefs. To engage in pluralism means to equally support, accept and participate in the decisions of various religious groups as well as placing a positive value on faith and practice. In pluralism, all religious practices are considered beneficial as long as they follow the laws of the state and do not harm individuals within the community. Hinduism is commonly thought of as the world’s oldest religion. There are approximately one billion Hindus worldwide. The vast majority live in India, although there are large populations of Hindus in South Asia, United States, Australia, Western Europe, and Canada. Hindus recognize a supreme being that can exist in copious different forms and identities and several local deities as well. Some of the important deities include Vishnu, Shiva and Shiva’s consort. Vishnu is a God that has been depicted to have arrived on Earth in both the forms of a human and an animal. It has been said that his purpose was toShow MoreRelatedMan Who Gave Up Money1200 Words   |  5 Pages Man Who Gave Up Money Go to a mall in America on any given weekend, and you will see herds of consumers buying clothing and other material goods that they believe defines them as individuals. Now fly halfway around the world and visit a place like Tibet or a Japanese Shinto Buddhist temple, and we see individuals define themselves not by material possessions, but by their spirituality. 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